Tuesday 15 October 2024


Tuesday 15th October 2024

Word of the day: Recycle

When you recycle rubbish, you put it in a special container so it is used again.
'Do you recycle rubbish at home?´
'Yes, we recycle glass, plastic and paper.'

Geography and Map Words Worksheet

A map is a flat drawing of a place.

North is a direction.

A globe is a model of Earth.

An ocean is a large body of salt water.

An island is land surrounded by water on all sides.

Continents are Earth´s seven large bodies of land (North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Africa, Antarctica, Australia)


Social Science 

  • Class book: page 8, read out loud
  • Activity book: page 2, activity 2






Monday 14 October 2024

 Monday 14th October 2024

Word of the day: An ocean

An ocean is a large body of water.

The Atlantic Ocean is between America and Europe.

Friday 11 October 2024

Friday 11th October 2024


English classbook, pages 12 and 13 

  •     Read out loud the story. 
  •     Page 13, activities 3 and 4 in notebook.

Word of the day: Cristobal Colon

Cristobal Colon discovered America in 1492. How did he prove the Earth was round?

  • He sailed West instead of East to go to Asia. But, on his way to Asia, he discovered a new continent. 
  • He died without knowing that he had discovered America.

Thursday 10 October 2024

 Thursday 10th October 2024

Word of the day: Hispanoamérica 

  • Hispanoamérica is a region in América where Spanish is the official language. 
  • Spanish is the second most spoken language in the world.
  • People speak Spanish in Spain and in other 21 countries. 
  • Wcelebrate "Dia de la Hispanidad" on 12th October.

English activity book:
    Page 10: Read the story out loud.
    Page 11: Activities 3, 4, 5 and 6.


Wednesday 9 October 2024

It´s Wednesday, October 9th, 2024

Today it is overcast (gray sky).

Word of the day: To rain

When it rains and the sun shines at the same time, a rainbow appears.

  • The verbs to rain, to shine, and to appear use -s because the objects are first person singular (it, the sun, a rainbow).



1. She has not got fair hair.     hasn´t  got

2. They have got glasses.         They´ve  got

3. He has got curly hair.           He´s got

4.They have not got long hair.  haven´t got

5. She has got freckles.             She´s got


English activity book 

  •     Page 124.
  •     Page 9 activity 3.


Tuesday 8 October 2024


Tuesday 8th of October 2024

Word of the day: A glass 

Glass is hard and clear.

Glass is transparent and delicate.

You can use a glass to drink water.


Classbook page 11 

6. Ask and answer. fast  funny   tall   young

Who is the funniest ?

    Maya is the funniest

 Who is the fastest ?

    .......... is the fastest .

Who is the .................?

    .......... is ...................

Who ...  ...  .............  ?

    Liz ....  ....  ............ 











English activity book pages 7 and 8


Monday 7 October 2024

 Monday, 7th October 2024

Word of the day: The letter F

"F" is for 






Flamingos are big, pink birds that fly in large groups called "flocks."

They come from Africa.


English activity book page 6.












English activity book pages 4 and 5.

In the notebook, write 4 sentences to describe yourself.