Friday 11 March 2022


Friday 11th March 2022     Week 10


Classbook page 52. Invertebrates

Classification of invertebrates:

1. Arthropods

  1.     Insects: Ant
  2.     Arachnids: Scorpion
  3.     Myriapods: Centipede
  4.     Crustaceans: Crab

2. Molluscs

  1. Gastropods
  2. Bivalves
  3. Cephalopods 

3. Other Invertebrates

  1. Cnidarians
  2. Annelids
  3. Equinoderms 

Life cycle of a frog. Circle the verbs
  1. First an adult frog lays eggs.
  2. Then tadpoles hatch from the eggs.
  3. Next tadpoles develop back legs.
  4. After that  tadpoles develop front legs.
  5. Finally tadpoles lose their tail and leave the water because they are frogs now.
 Activity book page 17.

Classbook page 53: Molluscs

Classification of molluscs:
  1. Gastropods: Snail
  2. Bivalves:Mussel
  3. Cephalopods: Squid

Classbook page 53: Other invertebrates
  1. Cnidarians: Jellyfish
  2. Annelids: Earthworm
  3. Echinoderms: Starfish
Classbook page 53: Activities 5, 6 and 7.
5. What do all molluscs have in common?
6. Which group of molluscs has tentacles?
7. Investigate.How do jellyfish find food and live if they  have no brain , eyes, heart or lungs?


Study Natural Science unit 3: EXAM on Wednesday!!
Natural science classbook:
  • Finish page 53 activities 5, 6 and 7.
  • Do page 56, activities 1 and 2.
Natural science activity book:
  • Finish page 17.
Portfolio page 4: Reptiles
  •     Choose a lizard, a turtle or a snake and draw them.