Friday 11th March 2022 Week 10
Classbook page 52. Invertebrates
Classification of invertebrates:
1. Arthropods
- Insects: Ant
- Arachnids: Scorpion
- Myriapods: Centipede
- Crustaceans: Crab
2. Molluscs
- Gastropods
- Bivalves
- Cephalopods
3. Other Invertebrates
- Cnidarians
- Annelids
- Equinoderms
Life cycle of a frog. Circle the verbs
- First an adult frog lays eggs.
- Then tadpoles hatch from the eggs.
- Next tadpoles develop back legs.
- After that tadpoles develop front legs.
- Finally tadpoles lose their tail and leave the water because they are frogs now.
Classbook page 53: Molluscs
Classification of molluscs:
- Gastropods: Snail
- Bivalves:Mussel
- Cephalopods: Squid
Classbook page 53: Other invertebrates
- Cnidarians: Jellyfish
- Annelids: Earthworm
- Echinoderms: Starfish
Classbook page 53: Activities 5, 6 and 7.
5. What do all molluscs have in common?
6. Which group of molluscs has tentacles?
7. Investigate.How do jellyfish find food and live if they have no brain , eyes, heart or lungs?
Study Natural Science unit 3: EXAM on Wednesday!!
Natural science classbook:
- Finish page 53 activities 5, 6 and 7.
- Do page 56, activities 1 and 2.
Natural science activity book:
- Finish page 17.
Portfolio page 4: Reptiles
- Choose a lizard, a turtle or a snake and draw them.