Wednesday 15 June 2022


Wednesday 15th June 2022


Classbook page 124

2. Write the correct words.

Emma is going to Italy on holiday. She´s putting all her things in her ............ now. She´s going to take her...... to use after swimming. She´s going to take her.....

Classbook page 125

4.Write questions and answers.

    1. Did the family stay in the house last Saturday?

No, they didn´t.

    2. Did mum work in the garden?


    3. Did the girls have a picnic?


    4. Did dad wash the car? 


    5. Did it rain?


    6. Did the boys play volleyball?


5. Write    ´m - ´s - ´re

My family and I are very happy . We´re going to visit our cousins next week. Our cousins live .....

6. Read and complete the words in the sentences

ue      u_e     oo

    1. I like my new teacher at school.

    2. Can you play a t_n_ on the guitar?






- Finish English classbook page 124, act.2 and page 125, activities 4, 5 and 6.

- Englilsh workbook page 116, act. 1 and 2.